
3G L-Rake Receiver

The only resemblance of L-rake (LMMSE, linear minimum mean-square error, based rake) to the venerable rake receiver is the non-uniformly spaced taps. A non-uniformly spaced equalizer in nature, the L-rake is the first and the only 3G receiver that has the low complexity of the rake and achieves the performance of the MMSE equalizer. By wide margins, it outperformed the G-rake (Generalized rake), an enhanced rake considered a breakthrough at its inception.


3G L-Rake接收器

L-rake (基于线性最小均方误差的接收器)和沿用至今的rake 接收器都具有非均匀分布的信道抽头。除此之外二者再无共同之处。作为具有非均匀分布的信道抽头的均衡器,L-rake是首个也是唯一具有rake的低复杂度和MMSE均衡器的高性能的3G接收器,远远优于G-rake即广义rake。后者作为rake的改进型被认为是rake的突破。