
Unified 3G/LTE Turbo Decoder

A single turbo engine that decodes both 3G and LTE turbo codes, despite their very different interleaver designs. The unified decoder is within 0.02 dB from the performance under ideal conditions, i.e., floating point and no decoding segmentations. The code rate the decoder can handle is up to 0.98. In comparison, the performances of some competing solutions begin to deteriorate considerably when the code rate goes over 0.8.


一体化 3G/LTE Turbo 解码器

3G和LTE中的turbo信道码采用完全不同的交织器。一体化3G/LTE turbo 解码器只用一个turbo 引擎实现3G和LTE解码,解码性能与理想条件下(浮点及无分段解码)的性能差距小于0.02 dB。解码器可以处理的码率可达0.98。与之对比的是某些竞争产品的性能在码率超过0.8以后开始明显下降。