
Maximum-Likelihood HSPA MIMO Demodulator

Current competing 3G HSPA solutions all use MMSE equalizer followed by MMSE demodulator for HSPA MIMO. Reasons for such a suboptimal choice include (1) ML MIMO demodulator has higher computational complexity than MMSE MIMO demodulator, and (2) the output of the MMSE equalizer does not conform to the conventionally used MIMO model. Our ML-MIMO demodulator for HSPA overcomes the above issues. It attains the full performance of ML with the complexity of MMSE. 4 ~ 7 dB gain has been observed under realistic conditions.


最大似然HSPA MIMO 解调器

现有的3G HSPA解决方案均采用MMSE均衡器加MMSE MIMO解调器的结构。这种非最优的设计源于(1)最大似然MIMO解调器的复杂度远高于MMSE MIMO解调器,(2)MMSE均衡器的输出不满足常用的MIMO信道模型 。我们的最大似然HSPA MIMO解调器解决了上述问题,具有MMSE的低复杂度但达到了最大似然法的高性能,在实际工况参数下取得了4 ~ 7 dB的增益。